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United around the globe to foster international trade and the advancement of women in business.

OWIT Chapter Leadership Webinar

  • Thursday, March 12, 2020
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Chapter Leadership Webinar

by Speaker Hulya Kurt

Thursday, March 12 at 12:00 p.m. EST

All OWIT chapter leaders, chapter board members, membership directors, and administrators are invited to participate in an interactive orientation / training webinar on Thursday, March 12, 2020 from 12 to 1 p.m. EDT.

Hulya Kurt, VP - Chapter Support will provide practical assistance on administrative, programming and support resources from OWIT International.


* To provide orientation and training to chapter presidents and board members, OWIT representatives, membership directors, and website administrators -- whether you're new to OWIT or want a refresher/forum to ask questions

* To better understand OWIT INTL and how OWIT INTL and OWIT Local Chapters work together to advance OWIT's global goals

* To gain practical help in accessing and using OWIT INTL's website and membership directory 

Register here.

organization of women in international trade-toronto

P.O. Box 715
31 Adelaide Street East
Toronto, Ontario M5C 2J8

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