OWIT Toronto and Brazil-Canada Chamber of Commerce hosted the 17th Edition of Doing Business in Brazil. The event gathered Brazilian and Canadian experts to talk about the Brazilian Infrastructure Market, focusing on regulations, investment, opportunities and challenges.
The Doing Business in Brazil was designed to assist Canadian companies in gaining insights into the Brazilian market and establishing connections with key players in the Brazil-Canada international trade industry.
Speakers Included:
Marcia Nejaim., Regional Representative ApexBrasil in Sao Paolo and interim General Manager of ApexBrasil offices in North America.
Luis Felipe Q., Specialist Advisor, Construction and Infrastructure Exports Latin American and Caribbean Markets, Department Exports at Investissement Québec. Daniel De Falco Director, Infrastructure Latin America at Caisse de dépot et placement du Québec (CDPQ)
Andrea Gardella., Director and Principle Economist Alcance Solutions.
From Lilian Marins (Co-VP Events and attendee): The trade and investment relationship between our two countries is thriving, with Canada ranking 11th in foreign investment in Brazil. Canadian companies are significantly invested in Brazil's mining, infrastructure, clean energy, and agriculture sectors. Meanwhile, Brazilian companies such as Vale, Votorantim, BRF, and Gerdau have established a strong presence in Canada, creating thousands of jobs and generating revenue.
While Brazil is a land of immense potential, it is also a complex market that requires more than just financial investment. Understanding the language, culture, and business dynamics is crucial for success. Throughout my career, I have been privileged to work directly within Brazil, gaining the local knowledge and building connections necessary to navigate its markets. Now, living in Toronto, I am delighted to be able to contribute to building this essential and strategic bilateral relationship.