In January 2024, we will be looking for new members to join our board.
This is an exciting opportunity to develop board governance skills for non-profit organizations. New board members will draw on a range of experience, talents and a keen interest in international trade and/or women's economic empowerment. No previous experience needed.
There are currently three vacancies including VP Events and VP Membership.
You will develop new skills: board management, organizing and hosting virtual/hybrid events, trade policy development, and communications (website design and newsletters).
Board members will be elected at our AGM on Tuesday, February 20, 2024.
You'll need to be a member of OWIT-Toronto, and can join within ten days of being elected. See our membership page for benefits and rates.
If you are interested in these roles, email Helen Hemmingsen (Past President) for more information.
A listing of current board members and their roles can be viewed at: