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United around the globe to foster international trade and the advancement of women in business.

Gender Inclusiveness in Trade in Services

  • Wednesday, October 09, 2019
  • 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Gender Inclusiveness in Trade in Services

Working Session at World Trade Organization Public Forum, Geneva

Presented by

Organization of Women in International Trade (OWIT)


Women' s Economic Imperative (WEI)


Services add value to manufacturing and contribute to competitiveness, employment and trade. Technological innovations and ICT make “traditional“services easier to deliver internationally. Intangible elements add value to traded products, leveraging AI, big data and technology. Advances in technology revolutionized existing and created new service sectors and technology has led to new business models that represent game-changers in a range of industries. Gender equity in Trade in Services is a multi-faceted and complex issue that needs to be addressed by a diverse and multidisciplinary group, who understand different sectors and countries; combine theory and practice; work at macro-, meso- and micro- level. Session panelists will collaboratively address each issue to create a starting-point, building on each other’s ideas and drawing in contributions from the floor. Opportunities for participants to collaborate to influence and support the Agenda for Gender Equity in Trade in Services beyond the session will be highlighted.

Panellists: •Nino Zambakhidze, Chairwoman & Founder, Georgia Farmers Association •Chad Blackman, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Barbados to the WTO - Government Official •Stephen de Boer, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Canada to the WTO •Yolanda Gibb, Global Lead - Trade, Women’s Economic Imperative (WEI) NGO

Moderator: •Mucha Mlingo, President, OWIT Nairobi

For the webcast, please visit here.

organization of women in international trade-toronto

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