WEConnect International & OWIT-Toronto: Potential Meets Possibility

  • Thursday, April 29, 2021
  • 1:00 PM

As a women business owner we know that you want to invest your time in quality events that offer value you can put to use as you grow your business. OWIT-Toronto has partnered with WEConnect International on an event we believe will deliver the tools you need to accelerate your growth in 2021.

Potential Meets Possibility is a new virtual series for women business owners who are looking for a combination of inspirational and tangible tools. This 90-minute session on April 29, 2021 will include information on how to leverage supplier diversity programs to meet global buyers, the benefits of certifying as women-owned, a presentation on how to do business with large supply chains as well as some virtual networking to meet other women business owners.

We're delighted to also welcome special guest Kathy Cheng, President of Redwood Classics Apparel for an insightful conversation and some advice sharing.
